Maricopa Open Digital Press Guide
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Maricopa Open Digital Press Guide

Nhà xuất bản: Project Gutenberg

Thể loại: Danh mục khác

Định dạng: Epub

Lượt xem: 8679

Ngày cập nhật: 14/04/2021

Thông tin chi tiết

Book Description: Welcome to the growing guide to Pressbooks! This user guide will walk you through everything you can do with Pressbooks. Find answers for common questions you may have while building your books.

  1. Introducing Maricopa Open Digital (MOD) Press

  2. Introduction to Pressbooks

  3. Introducing the Maricopa Open Digital Press Gold Seal

  4. I. Getting Started

    1. 1. How to Publish a Book with Pressbooks

    2. 2. The 5-Step Guide to Using Pressbooks

    3. 3. Navigating the Pressbooks Menus

    4. 4. Languages

    5. 5. Supported Browsers

  5. II. Navigating the Menus

    1. 6. My Catalog

    2. 7. User Profile

    3. 8. Glossaries

    4. 9. Book Info

    5. 10. Appearance

    6. 11. Export

    7. 12. Search and Replace

    8. 13. Tools

  6. III. Making Your Book

    1. 14. Automatic Pages and Content

    2. 15. Copyright Page

    3. 16. What is in a Book?

    4. 17. Visual & Text Editors

    5. 18. Table of Contents: Adding a Second Level

    6. 19. Book Covers for Ebooks and Print-on-Demand

    7. 20. Parts

    8. 21. Chapters

    9. 22. Front Matter

    10. 23. Back Matter

    11. 24. Privacy Settings: Global and Chapter-level

    12. 25. Delete a Book

    13. 26. What Is a Webbook?

  7. IV. Getting Your Book Into Pressbooks

    1. 27. Import Options for Pressbooks Content

    2. 28. How to Get Your Book Into Pressbooks

    3. 29. Copy Paste: Tried and True

    4. 30. Writing Directly in Pressbooks

    5. 31. Import from Word (docx)

    6. 32. Import from WordPress

    7. 33. The Importance of “Good Markup”

    8. 34. Common Formatting Problems in Pressbooks

  8. V. Parts and Chapters

    1. 35. Chapter Author and Subtitle

    2. 36. Numberless Chapters, Invisible Parts, and Customizable Section Labels

    3. 37. Collapsible Subsections for Webbook

  9. VI. Exports

    1. 38. PDF Export & Options

    2. 39. Ebook (EPUB + Mobi) Exports

    3. 40. Customizing your Exports with Custom Styles

    4. 41. How to Copy a Book, Change Your Book’s URL, or Export and Import Pressbooks XML

    5. 42. How to Test Your Ebooks

    6. 43. Why Your Pressbooks MOBI File Doesn’t Look Nice When You Test on your iPhone or iPad (and Why You Shouldn’t Worry About It!)

    7. 44. Theme Lock

    8. 45. Export Validation Logs

  10. VII. Special Formatting

    1. 46. Internal and External Hyperlinks

    2. 47. Typography: Hyphens

    3. 48. Paragraphs, Indents, No-indents and Poetry

    4. 49. Running Heads & Running Feet (PDF only)

    5. 50. Chapter Title Styling

    6. 51. Section Breaks, Page Breaks and Blank Pages

    7. 52. Typography: Tight and Loose Tracking

    8. 53. Left or Right Chapter Openings (for Print/PDF)

    9. 54. Custom Page Size (PDF)

    10. 55. Widows, Orphans and Bottom Balancing

    11. 56. Changing the font-size and line-height in your PDF outputs

    12. 57. Changing Page Margins in PDF Exports

    13. 58. New Theme Options

    14. 59. Adding Dropcaps to Your Book

    15. 60. Columns (for PDF)

    16. 61. Adding Pullquotes

    17. 62. Formatting Ordered Lists

    18. 63. Shortcodes

    19. 64. Paginated Chapters in a Webbook

  11. VIII. Media

    1. 65. Embedded Media & Interactive Content

    2. 66. Enabling and Using Lightboxes for Images

    3. 67. Media Attributions

    4. 68. Adding Images

    5. 69. Image Editing

    6. 70. Media: Images & Best Practices

    7. 71. Supported Media Upload Formats

  12. IX. Educational Features and Uses

    1. 72. Accessibility & Universal Design

    2. 73. Themes for Academic and Educational Texts

    3. 74. Creative Commons Licensing

    4. 75. Users & Collaborators

    5. 76. Comments and Review

    6. 77. Book Cloning

    7. 78. Source Comparison for Cloned Books

    8. 79. H5P Interactive Content

    9. 80. Importing Your Book Into Canvas

    10. 81. Enable and Use Markdown

    11. 82. Hypothesis for Webbook Annotation & Comments

    12. 83. Making File Exports Available for Download

    13. 84. Math in Pressbooks

    14. 85. Tables & Textboxes

    15. 86. Navigation & Internal Links

    16. 87. Footnotes and (Chapter) Endnotes

    17. 88. Catalogs

    18. 89. Open Educational Resource Repositories and Guides

    19. 90. Zotero Citations for Pressbooks Webbooks

  13. Resources