A Letter to the Rev. William Maskell, A.M. by Mayow Wynell Mayow
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A Letter to the Rev. William Maskell, A.M. by Mayow Wynell Mayow

Tác giả: Mayow, Mayow Wynell, 1810-1895

Nhà xuất bản: Project Gutenberg

Thể loại: Văn Hóa - Tôn Giáo

Định dạng: Epub

Lượt xem: 4638

Ngày cập nhật: 14/04/2021

Thông tin chi tiết

Author Mayow, Mayow Wynell, 1810-1895
Other Maskell, William, 1814?-1890
Title A Letter to the Rev. William Maskell, A.M.
How far the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council commits the Church of England by its decision, even allowing it to have jurisdiction in points of doctrine
Alternate Title A Letter to the Reverend William Maskell, A.M.
How far the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council commits the Church of England by its decision, even allowing it to have jurisdiction in points of doctrine
Language English
LoC Class BX: Philosophy, Psychology, Religion: Christianity: Churches, Church movements
Subject Church and state -- Great Britain
Subject Church and state -- Church of England
Subject Baptism -- Church of England
Subject Gorham, George Cornelius
Subject Great Britain. Privy Council. Judicial Committee
Subject Ecclesiastical law -- England -- History -- 19th century
Category Text
EBook-No. 54269
Release Date Mar 2, 2017
Copyright Status Public domain in the USA.
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